How to prevent Bed Wetting using Herbs

How to prevent Bed Wetting using Herbs

Here is a few ways of helping prevent bed wetting using all natural herbs...

Things You'll Need:


Mullein Herb Water Strainer Red Bark Wine


Give a teaspoon of honey before bedtime it will help the retention of water.


Another way is to take 1 ounce of Mullein herb to one pint of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, then strain. Dosage drink 1 cup in the morning and at night time.


Another way is to take 2 ounces of (good,fresh) Red Bark, 1 quart of Wine. Steep the Bark in the wine for 24 hours, let the patient drink a tablespoon, if they are 2 or 3 years old and if older a little more at a time every night a little while before bedtime.

How to Prevent a Yeast Infection

How to Prevent a Yeast Infection

It is common for some women to experience at least one yeast infection during her lifetime. Some women will have reoccurring infections what certain reasons. What ever the case may be, yeast infections are not fun. It can be very painful and annoying. Following some simple guidelines can help prevent yeast infections not to occur thus reducing your risk for having one.

Things You'll Need:

Cotton panties

Unscented soap



Wear white cotton panties. Cotton breathes well unlike other materials such as Nylon and Lycra. These type of materials may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. If you must wear nylon panty hose, always wear cotton panties underneath them.


Use water-based lubricants when you're experiencing vaginal dryness. Petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal dryness can cause irritation to your skin and also more sensitive areas. Water-based lubricants are made to simulate the bodies natural moisture, therefore it dissolves better.


Practice good hygiene. After a bowel movement, always wipe from front to back. This will help prevent the yeast that is often in the intestinal tract from being passed to the vaginal area.


Eat yogurt. Studies have shown that some women who eat at least one cup of yogurt a day helps prevent yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. Yogurt will not cure a yeast infection, but it does help you not to get one.


Use unscented perfume bath products. Perfumed bath products or powders in the vaginal area can cause irritation with can lead to infection. Unscented perfume bath products that are for sensitive skin will work best.


Live douche free. Douches washes away the natural protective mucous in the vagina leaving it more susceptible to yeast and other other vaginal infections. Inside the body has its own cleaning mechanism, and it does not need to be helped.

Tips & Warnings

Consult a doctor if you think you have a yeast infection before self-treating.

Other types of infections can mimic themselves as yeast infections.

How to Prevent a Common Cold With Acupuncture

How to Prevent a Common Cold With Acupuncture

Acupuncture prevents the common cold by boosting the immune system. The treatment requires heat, needles and pressure to particular areas on the skin.


Study a couple of web sites like and to learn all you can about acupuncture. Find out how the treatment boosts your immune system. Even go to the library and find a book on the subject like "The Complete Book on Acupuncture" by Steven Thomas Chang.


Locate an acupuncturist you can trust and feel comfortable in having her treat you. Ask friends, family members or health food stores to recommend an acupuncturist. If the same name keeps coming up, then you have found your specialist.


Make an appointment to meet your acupuncturist and to receive your first treatment.


Make your appointment and discuss with the acupuncturist your goals of boosting your immune system and preventing the common cold. Discuss with him the other benefits of these treatments. Most acupuncturists study Chinese Medicine and prove to be very knowledgeable in general health care as well.


Receive your treatment and stay in communication with your acupuncturist. Find out how often you should be treated. Make another appointment if need be.

Tips & Warnings

You may need several sessions with the acupuncturist to achieve your goals of boosting your immune system and preventing the common cold.

It is always a good idea to drink lots of water before and after a treatment to help flush out any toxins that might stir up from the treatment.

How to Prepare Ice tea

How to Prepare Ice tea

When you are very tired and need some freshness on a hot summer day , go for the ice tea.The herbal qualities of the tea will not only bring freshness but also give a cooling effect. Making an Ice tea is 2 minute process, you can make it instantly and quench you thirst.

Things You'll Need:

1 Tbsp Tea leaves


2 Tbsp suger


Mint leaves

2 Tbsp Lemon Juice


Heat water on a low flame.


When the water comes to boil , add sugar.


Add tea leaves and stir for a minute


When water turns red and comes to boil ,filter the tea in a cup.


Keep it cool for half an hour.


Put some ice cubes in your drink and garnish it with mint leaves on the top.


Add lemon juice and mix it well.


Your cool refreshing Ice tea is ready to quench your thirst

Tips & Warnings

You can put some ginger also to enhance the taste and its herbal qualities.

Add sugar according to your taste.

Do not put the drink directly into the refrigerator after boiling on flames.

Let it be cool outside and then put some ice.

How to Prepare Hot Stones for a Hot Stone Massage

How to Prepare Hot Stones for a Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is a Swedish massage where heated stones derived from riverbeds are strategically placed on the body. The hot stones are used as massage tools and come in various sizes that are tumbled for smooth edges. Once the stones are placed in oil, they will become permanently black.


Clean and disinfectant your stones before using. The stones also must be oiled prior to use with your favorite massage oil or olive oil.


Heat the stones in a stone pot, regular crock pot or electric skillet, uncovered, in a small amount of hot water. The stones should warm for about 30 minutes before your client arrives.


Add essential oils to the water for scent and to aid relaxation. Check with your client to make sure she isn't allergic to oils. You may choose a specific scent for aromatherapy purposes also.


Check stones before client arrives to make sure they aren't too hot. If you can't handle them with your hands, they will be too hot for the client's skin. You may also place them with a towel between the client's skin and the stone.


Wash and sanitize the stones between clients. Soak stones in water that is between 130 and 145 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water is not hot enough, it will not kill bacteria. Just be sure the water isn't anymore than 125 degrees prior to placing them on a client.


Store your stones in clean velvet when not in use to avoid scratching or chipping the stones.

Tips & Warnings

Do not heat stones in an oven or microwave.

How to Prepare for Mesotherapy

How to Prepare for Mesotherapy

To avoid the risks associated with liposuction, many people today are instead choosing mesotherapy. This alternative medicine treatment involves injecting chemicals just under the skin to break down tissues in the mesoderm (or middle layer). The antioxidants in the injection stimulate collagen production, which rejuvenates the skin's appearance.


Prepare for the cost in time and dollars. It's typically recommended that a person undergo 10 to 15 mesotherapy sessions. Each session can cost up to $500. Make sure that the therapist overseeing the procedure is an accredited mesotherapist. You can find therapists online in the GetMeso directory (see Resources below).


Discuss the issues you want addressed. Mesotherapy has been used to eliminate cellulite and localized fat deposits, promote weight loss and provide anti-aging benefits.


Avoid taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications three days before the treatment. No post-operative recovery time is necessary, and you won't undergo anesthesia or need bandages.


Massage the affected area with Vitamin K after receiving treatment.

Tips & Warnings

Bruising is the biggest side effect of mesotherapy, so be prepared for this before undergoing the procedure.

How to Prepare for Lymphatic Massage

How to Prepare for Lymphatic Massage

The lymphatic system plays an important role in ridding the body of toxins and the circulatory, digestive and immune systems. But many people don't think about their lymphatic system until something goes wrong with it. However, you can stimulate your lymphatic system with simple massage.


Take a warm shower or a bath if possible before starting your massage so your body is loose and clean. Many experts recommend shaving the legs and the face, depending on your sex and if you shave them, so your massage therapist doesn't have to deal with uncomfortable stubble.


Avoid eating a large meal at least an hour before your massage, if possible. Eat a light meal or a small snack if you truly can't wait to eat until after your massage.


Be prepared to disrobe, if you're comfortable with this step. Massage therapists will protect your privacy and will use sheets and towels to keep you covered.


Discuss any issues you may be having with your massage therapist. If they're going to use oils or lotions, make sure you know what's in them and whether or not you're allergic. Don't be shy while getting your lymphatic massage if something hurts or you dislike something.


Make sure you're eating a healthy diet. Lymphatic massage works the best on healthy bodies with a good lymphatic system. Try to eliminate processed foods and simple sugars from your diet. In addition, make sure you drink plenty of water both before and after your massage to help flush toxins from your body.

How to Prepare for Learning Ayurveda Massage

How to Prepare for Learning Ayurveda Massage

Although Ayurveda is an ancient healing system, it has just recently experienced a revival. Many practitioners now choose to train in using Ayurvedic techniques to treat a variety of ailments. One technique used to promote healing and energize the person is Ayurvedic massage.


Study the basic elements of Ayurveda, including the three constitutions in the body. The three constitutions, or doshas, are: vata (meaning air), pitta (meaning fire), and kapha (meaning both water and earth).


Find out the pressure points in the body. Throughout the body, pressure points can be stimulated by Ayurvedic massage. If you know how to stimulate the pressure points, then you're able to give an Ayurvedic massage.


Learn about the health benefits. Another principle behind Ayurvedic massage is the ability to boost your immune system. During the massage, toxins are released into your body and then flushed out.


Focus on the areas that relieve certain pain and ailments. When you work with a client, you should discuss any pain or ailments they have. Once you know their complaints, you can use this information to provide an Ayurvedic massage that relieves the aggravated dosha.


Prepare massage oils. Once you determine the dosha that needs the most attention, decide on the correct oils to use. For instance, a person with a weak vata should receive a massage with sesame oil.

Tips & Warnings

You need to complete a course in Ayurvedic massage and get certified before you begin practicing.

How to Prepare for Japa Meditation

How to Prepare for Japa Meditation

Japa meditation is an effective way to sooth the mind and clears away distracting external stimuli. This spiritual discipline involves the repetition of a mantra or the name of God. Here is how to prepare for your Japa meditation session.


Choose a specific time, location and length for the meditation. You can start with 10 minutes and build gradually into longer sessions.


Know that repetition is the foundation of this meditation. Choose a word or a mantra that uplifts you.


Experiment with different ways to use Japa. Japa can be done in group settings, while performing other activities or while sitting in a cross-legged posture.


Consider that there are several mantras you can use. Here are a few; Om, Aum Namah Sivaya, Om Mani Padme Hum and Om Mamo Narayana.

How to Understand an Apple Cleansing Fast

How to Understand an Apple Cleansing Fast

The apple is a very energizing food, so this fast should allow you to maintain a normal life (provided your schedule is not too strenuous). Once you've read this eHow, check out "How to Do an Apple Cleansing Fast" (see Related eHows).

Things You'll Need:

Organic Apples


Know that this is good for first-time fasters, because it is short, energizing and simple.


Realize that this purifying diet is designed to cleanse your alimentary canal, kidneys and liver, as well as your whole system. Yellow apples also contain high amounts of pectin, which is known to reduce cholesterol.


Understand that avoiding other, more difficult-to-digest foods for three days gives your body time to digest, clean out and rejuvenate.


Understand that this is a good, simple fast to repeat every few months to achieve the best results.


Do this fast in the springtime as an easy, general spring-cleaning fast, or any time of the year.

Tips & Warnings

Recommended apple brands include: Jonathon, Jenneting, Black Arkansas, Oregon Red, Sheepnose, Delicious and Arkansas Russet. Make sure the apples you buy are organically grown.

You may drink coffee if you desire, but do not add milk or cream.

Avoid strenuous exercise during your fast. Light yoga is excellent, though.

Be sure to repeat this fast once a month for the next couple of months to obtain maximum benefits.

Educate yourself about fasting before you begin. You may wish to integrate some special herbal teas into your fast.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast, especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are taking any medication.

How to Understand a Potato Fast

How to Understand a Potato Fast

Realize that potatoes are not fattening. Gravy, sour cream, salsa, bacon bits and butter are fattening. Therefore, two to four days of only potatoes allows your body time to burn off some of those extra winter pounds.

Things You'll Need:

Herbal Teas



Understand that it is very natural to gain up to 10 pounds during the winter months in order to fortify the body against cold and reinforce your immune system against colds.


Know that the potato is a wonderful source of protein as well as Vitamin C, B1 and potassium. Potato juice is an excellent antacid, and is very soothing for one's digestive tract.


Leave the skins on your potatoes. The skin accounts for a very large percentage of the mineral value.


Realize that the soil in which your potatoes are grown greatly effects the nutritional value.


Understand that the bulk of the potato will keep you feeling full, and the protein and vitamins will keep your energy up. You should feel fine during your potato fast, except for battling the evil voices in your mind that crave your old regiment of food.

Tips & Warnings

Use potato peels to make a tea that is very soothing to your stomach and digestive tract.

Drink plenty of liquid during your fast.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.

How to Understand a Pineapple Fast for the Lungs

How to Understand a Pineapple Fast for the Lungs

Pineapple juice is believed by some experts to be very beneficial for cleansing and toning the pores of the lungs as they get clogged and lose their elasticity over time. Fasting on pineapple juice is an excellent means of giving your lungs all the tools and time they need to clean and retone themselves.

Things You'll Need:



Remember that incomplete digestion, along with poor nutrition, can result in particles of matter which eventually clog and congest the pores of your lungs. Over time, this causes your lungs to lose much of their elasticity.


Understand that pineapple and pineapple juice is thought to be excellent food for lung problems, high blood pressure, and tumors. The astringent qualities of pineapple juice contract and tighten tissues in your body, helping not only to tone the tissue, but also to help those tissues expell harmful toxins.


Realize that in addition to the cleaning powers of this fast, in general, juice fasting flushes your system with large amounts of liquid, allows your digestive organs to rest, and reduces the fermentation activity in your body by supplying very little sugar or starch to your body.


Know that since food is eliminated, your organs are given a chance to rejuvenate themselves during a juice fast.


To help expel toxins built up from the fast, educate yourself about the benefits and means of hydrotherapy and colon therapy. These methods are highly recommended before breaking your fast to insure a clean colon.

Tips & Warnings

The pineapple fast is excellent for anyone with any sort of intestinal worm, since the enzyme bromelin, prominent in pineapple, destroys tapeworms and most other worms. It even destroys worm larvae, before they can hatch. (see eHow "How to Get Rid of Intestinal Worms.")

Include some light yoga and breathing exercises during your fast. Think about your lungs healing during this fast. The astringent qualities of pineapple will loosen and clear mucus and toxins form the porous tissues of your lungs, allowing your lungs to better oxygenate your blood, and improving your entire well-being.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.

How to Understand a Liver and Gallbladder Flush

How to Understand a Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Your liver and gallbladder are two of your body's most important organs of filtration. Your liver keeps your blood clean while your gallbladder secretes bile necessary for digestion. Keeping these organs clean and healthy helps your entire system fuction better. Once you have read this eHow check out "How to Do a Liver and Gallbladder Flush"


Locate your liver under your rib cage on the right side of your body by gently palpating that area and feeling the firm mass there. This organ is vital to the storage and distribution of nourishment throughout your body. It helps form, break down and filter toxins from your blood.


Keep in mind the blood that flows into the liver carries waste and toxins taken from other parts of your body by way of your bloodstream.


Know that when your liver is overworked, it fails to perform its duties properly and allows toxins to enter your blood supply. Toxins circulating in your system cause irritation, and eventual damage to other parts of your body.


Realize that your gallbladder sits directly behind your liver and stores and secretes bile for digestion and the breakdown of fats.


Understand that if your gallbladder is not functioning properly you may experience gas, abdominal cramping, and headaches. Gallstones, accumulations of cholesterol in your gallbladder, form and are released into the ducts that carry bile to the intestines.


Understand that this fast (see "How to Do a Liver and Gallbladder Flush Fast") is designed to soften and flush gall stones through the natural pectin in the apple juice, breaking free most of the old bile and debris. The stagnent bile becomes dissolved by the malic acid of the apple juice, and the oil drink helps move it out. The last day of the fast is designed as a final push, to thoroughly clean the softened gallstones from your gallbladder.

Tips & Warnings

It is normal to experience some discomfort and nausea. Oranges are good for relieving this; however, be sure to chew well and don't eat too much.

It may be necessary to repeat this fast each month for a few months to break loose all gallstones especially if you are over forty and excessivly consume meat, alcohol, fried foods, and chemicals (pesticides) that can be dangerous for your liver.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.

How to Understand a Kidney Cleansing Fast

How to Understand a Kidney Cleansing Fast

Understand the functions of the kidney to realize the necessity for cleansing it through this fast (see "How to do a Kidney Cleansing Fast").

Things You'll Need:

Herbal Teas


Understand that your kidneys filter your body's blood supply. Your right kidney filters mercury, copper, DDT, and arsenic-bound chemicals.


Understand that improper diet, especially one with too much alcohol, red or smoked meats, or canned fish and pork, can be very hard on your kidney.


Realize that signs of kidney trouble can be stiffness of your neck, stiffness of your arms, back trouble and fuzzy eyesight.


Understand that the idea of this fast is to give your kidneys a short break to heal themselves, as well as providing them with optimal fuel to help in their healing process.


Realize that a heatlhy, balanced diet, including regular exercise and plenty of water is the best way to maintain a healthy kidney and avoid painful kidney stones. This fast is a means to giving your kidney a washing out, but continued maintenance is recommended.


Do some research on your own to find out more about caring for your kidneys.

Tips & Warnings

Dandelion root is thought to be a great blood and kidney cleanser. Make herbal teas from it during your fast.

Chamomile tea is also recommended for people with kidney troubles.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.

How to Make a Hoodie

How to Make a Hoodie

Wear a hoodie to make a fashion statement. Some hoodies can be quite expensive, but you can make one at a fraction of the cost. Just decide if you want to make your pattern from a hoodie in your wardrobe, or purchase a pattern.

Things You'll Need:

Hoodie pattern



Sewing supplies


Separating zipper (check pattern envelope for correct length)


Prewash fabric to help prevent shrinkage. Lay out material for the hoodie. Double fabric, and lay out on a clean, flat surface.


Cut out pattern pieces. Typically patterns come in one large piece of tissue paper. If you are making your hoodie from an existing garment, you need to cut out a pattern from newspaper first.


Attach pattern to fabric with pins. Carefully cut material. If you are using your own pattern, leave a seam allowance. Transfer any tailor markings from the pattern to the fabric at this time.


Stitch pockets on the front of the garment. It's your call if you want to add them or not.


Sew the shoulder seams and the hood seams. Finish front edge of hood, if necessary. Pin the hood to the garment. If there are still gaps after pinning, try basting the seam. Stitch the seam, and then remove the pins.


Pin the sleeves in the garment, and sew them in place. Hem the sleeve edges, if desired. Sew the side seams.


Fasten the zipper in place according to package directions. Or, you can baste it in place with a long running stitch. Stitch with the sewing machine. Remember to backstitch on both ends of the zipper.


Finish the bottom hem of your hoodie, if desired. Your new hoodie is now ready for you to wear.

How to Make a High Waisted Skirt

How to Make a High Waisted Skirt

Many women adore the versatile look of a high waisted skirt. Flirty, fun, stylish or classic, you can make a high waisted skirt that makes any statement you like. All you'll need are some basic sewing skills, a good pattern and lots of imagination.

Things You'll Need:

Cutting board for sewing

Rotary cutting instrument

Sewing machine


Matching thread

Elastic waistband or bodice block pattern


Choose between a high waisted skirt held by an elastic band or a high waisted skirt featuring a bodice. If you opt for the latter, you'll need a bodice block pattern and you'll have to sew the bodice separately for later attachment to the completed skirt.


Determine the amount of fabric you'll need. For a high waisted skirt, you're going to allow several inches more fabric than you would for a regular skirt of the same length. Use these rough guidelines: 3.5 yards for a person under 5 feet tall, 3.75 yards for a person up to 5 feet 4 inches tall, 4 yards for a person up to 5 feet 9 inches tall and 4.25 yards for a person taller than 5 feet 9 inches.


Take waist measurements of the person who will be wearing the skirt, or wrap the fabric around that person's waist and mark the skirt's width with a pin. Measure from the uppermost point at which the skirt will rest, or where the bodice will be attached if you choose to include one. Then, take a second measurement, at the person's waist.


Cut the fabric, extending the line formed by the two points you measured: the uppermost point and the waist point.


Create a hem by wrapping the fabric around so it's flush with the line you just cut. Sew it into place, and cut away any selvage material.


Follow your pattern's specific direction to add any stylistic touches to the skirt.


Finish the bottom edge of the skirt by creating a hemline. Turn the skirt inside-out, fold up about half an inch of fabric, and stitch it into place using your sewing machine, taking care to make a uniformly straight line all the way around.


Prepare the top of the skirt for its waistband or bodice attachment. If you're going to add a waistband, form a tube for it by folding in the top edge of the skirt and sewing it into place, allowing about a quarter of an inch of extra room beyond the width of the elastic band. For a bodice, simply create a clean top edge of the skirt by adding a narrow hem.


Attach the bodice, if you're adding one. Add the drawstrings or buttons as a final touch.

Tips & Warnings

At, you can search dozens of available skirt patterns for a high waisted skirt you like (see Resources below).

If you are attempting to make a high waisted skirt with a bodice block and you're having trouble drafting the bodice, you can also use a basic garment fitted pattern and adapt the skirt to the bodice block as desired.

As a quick, easy alternative, you can cut a dress block pattern about 2 inches or so above the waist, using princess seam lines.

How to Make a Hat With Flowers

How to Make a Hat With Flowers

There are many kinds of hats with


, but one of the prettiest is the garden party hat. Many outdoor
feature this style of flowered hat worn by bridesmaids and sometimes the bride. A summer garden party is another opportunity to wear a showy hat with flowers. It isn't hard to turn a simple straw hat into a beautiful hat with flowers.


Purchase a big-brimmed, floppy straw hat. Choose either a straw-colored one or a pretty pastel straw hat.


Wrap sheer nylon netting around the hat or drape with a fancy scarf or satin ribbon to make an interesting hat band.


Pick large, realistic-looking silk flowers and hot glue or pin them on the hat band. Flowers that are especially showy include roses, hydrangeas, poppies, peonies and other large flowers. Tuck a little greenery in with the flowers.


Clip fancy jewelry to the scarf or band if desired.


Use more of the same netting to make a veil for added interest.


Incorporate feathers or lace among the flowers for additional charm.


Use one huge single flower or a cluster of flowers all around the band to make a stunning hat with flowers.

How to Make a Handbag from a Scarf

How to Make a Handbag from a Scarf

When it comes to accessories, a handbag scarf is one of the easiest you can make. Top designers sell similar accessories for hundreds of dollars. With a few knots and a little creativity, you can fashion a scarf purse to match every one of your outfits.

Things You'll Need:

Square silk or polyester scarf

Wooden rings, sequins or beads for a more decorative scarf purse

Make a Simple Scarf Handbag


Select a square scarf in a pattern you like.


Lay the scarf smoothly on a flat surface with the side you want to be the outside of your scarf handbag facing down.


Grab two opposite corners of the scarf and bring them together, tying them in a knot.


Grab the other two opposite corner of the scarf, and tie them into a knot.


Slide your arm under the two knots, and your scarf handbag is complete.

Make a More Ornate Scarf Handbag


Select a square scarf in a pattern you like.


Lay the scarf smoothly on a flat surface, as in Section 1, Step 2.


Choose one corner of the scarf and hold it in both hands. Slide one hand away from the other and toward the center of the scarf a few inches. Tie a knot at this point. You will now have a knot about a third of the way between the corner of the scarf and the center of the scarf.


Repeat Step 3 for the other three corners.


Grab two contiguous corners of the scarf and tie these together.


Repeat Step 5 for the other two neighboring corners.


Slide your arm under the two final knots. Your new accessory is ready to wear.

Tips & Warnings

Make the handles of your scarf purse more decorative by sliding wooden rings under under the corners of the scarf before tying the final knot. Carry this purse by the wooden rings.

Add accessories like decorative beading or sequins to your scarf handbag for a more opulent look.

How to Make a Gypsy Skirt

How to Make a Gypsy Skirt

If you like a versatile skirt that makes you feel free when wearing it, the gypsy skirt may be your cup of tea. The gypsy skirt fabric is cut in a full circle to allow it to flow freely during movement. This four-tier, ankle-length skirt is also a great addition to a belly dance costume or can make for a romantic look.

Things You'll Need:

Tape measure

Friend to help measure you

Skirt fabric

Drawstring that is 20 inches longer than your waist measurement

Iron-on interfacing

Sewing machine

Seam ripper

Get Ready


Measure your waist or hips, as well as your desired length. Gypsy skirts usually fall to at least the ankles, but some are even longer, just barely grazing the floor.


Add 2 inches to your waist measurement so that your skirt will fit comfortably.


Decide how wide you want each of your tiers. You can make them the same length or have them increase in width as you move down the skirt.

Put it Together


Cut a fabric strip for the waistband. This strip should be twice as wide as you want the waistband to be. To this measurement, add 1.25 inches for the seams.


Cut a piece of interfacing slightly shorter that half the width of the waistband. Iron the interfacing on to one half of the waistband. Fold the waistband in half and press the right sides together with the iron.


Fold the waistband in half once more and sew a 5/8-inch seam along each end. The idea is to flip the waistband outside-in so the right sides are showing.


Cut rectangle shapes for each tier. Cut your top tier so that it is three times the length of the waist. The second tier should be three-and-a-half times the waist length, and the third tier is four times that length.


Attach your first tier by sewing a 5/8-inch seam with the right sides together. Gather the top of the tier before sewing it on.


Attach each additional tier one at a time, making sure you gather only the top of each tier. Do not gather the bottom of the tier onto which you are sewing the additional tier.


Add a hem to the bottom of the skirt. A typical hem is about 1-inch deep.


Fold your waistband in half with the outside facing out. Use hand stitching on the inner edge to cover the first tier's edges.


Open the seams on each end of the waistband to add the drawstring. A seam ripper will do the the job quickly.

Tips & Warnings

If the fabric is not too heavy, you may be able to use elastic instead of drawstring.

You may have to adjust the skirt length of this pattern if you want your gypsy skirt to sit at your hips--for example, for belly dancing.

As you attach additional tiers, the rectangle shapes may not be long enough. You can just piece the tiers together with the same length of cloth.

How to Make a Gothic Skirt

How to Make a Gothic Skirt

Gothic skirts are great for any costume party, or just to attract extra attention. Turn yourself into someone ominous and feminine all at once with this easy-to-make gothic skirt. If you're just not talented at sewing, try a poofy net gothic skirt, which can be made without a sewing machine.

Things You'll Need:

10 to 13 yards of black tulle

Hem tape that is 2 inches longer than your waist measurement

Package blanket binding, 2 inches longer than the hem tape

Needle and black thread

Straight pins

2 hooks and matching eyes




Measure the amount of tulle you will need. For an accurate formula, double your waist size, then divide that number by 13. This figure represents the number of yards of fabric you will need per layer.


Measure enough hem tape to be 2 inches longer than your waist measurement. You will be pinning your tulle to this hem tape.


Decide how wide you want your pleats to be, which are the folds you will create in your skirt. Pleats allow for more fullness and can be flattering to your figure. A good rule of thumb is to have pleats that are 1 to 1.5 inches wide.


Pin the top edge of the tulle to the hem tape. Fold in the pleats in even intervals as you're pinning the tulle. When you have pinned the first layer, trim off the excess fabric.



Stitch the first layer of tulle to the hem tape using small, even stitches with your needle and thread. This technique will make your pleats relatively flat. Use this technique for your additional layers.


Fold the blanket binding about 1/2 inch on one side and use an iron to press. This binding will be your waistband.


Fold the blanket binding with the wrong sides facing each other and use the iron to create a crease. Stitch both edges to hold them in place.


Insert the top edge of your skirt into the blanket binding and sew the binding together on both sides to enclose the skirt.


Close the skirt by sewing the edges of the tulle together. Be sure to sew with the wrong sides facing out.


Turn your skirt right side out. Sew 2 hooks on one end of your waistband and the matching eyes on the other end.

Tips & Warnings

Some of the best colors for gothic skirts are forest green, red, black and purple.

For an edgier look, tatter or add small tears to the hem of your skirt. Just make sure you aren't too neat or even with your tears.

Try sewing some tiers of tulle under your skirt to make it fuller. You can even gather up the skirt to expose some of the tulle for a sexy, disheveled look.

If you end up with very wide tulle, you can fold it in half before sewing it to have two layers.

Gothic skirts come in a variety of styles and fabrics. In addition to the tulle skirt, see other styles at The Velvet Garden (see Resources below).

If you make a shirt with heavy, stretchy fabric, you may have to re-hem your skirt after a few months to bring it back to its original length.

How to Make a Floral Headdress

How to Make a Floral Headdress

Floral headdresses are a beautiful accessory for
and tea parties. Make floral headdresses with live or silk


. This craft is suited for adults and older
. Young children can complete this craft with help and guidance from an adult. Plan to spend at least an hour to make your headdress.

Things You'll Need:

Heavy gauge craft wire

Floral tape

Wire clippers

Variety of flowers




Gather the flowers for the headdress. Choose colors of different types and sizes. Choose colors that coordinate with the outfit it will be worn with. Include filler flowers such as
breath or greenery.


Shape heavy gauge craft wire into a circle that is just larger than the crown of the head. Make the circle large enough to sit just above the ears. Twist the ends of the wire together to close the circle.


Wrap the entire wire circle with floral tape. Overlap the edges of the floral tape so that no part of the wire shows. Wrap the tape snugly, allowing for no movement once the entire circle is wrapped.




stems to 1/2 inch. Attach the flowers to the headdress by wrapping the stems with floral tape. Place flowers close together, placing filler flowers in any small gaps.


Heat up a hot glue gun. Put a small dot of glue on the headdress to glue any loose flowers in place.


Tie ribbons to the back of the headdress. Leave lengths of ribbon hanging from the back that are around 12 inches long.


Store large floral headdresses in a refrigerator until it is time for them to be worn.

How to Make a Floppy Disk Bag

How to Make a Floppy Disk Bag

You can make a floppy disk tote bag that can carry up to 15 pounds. This utilitarian fashion accessory is durable and light, and you can use it while shopping or at school. Here's how to assemble it.

Things You'll Need:

18 5-1/4- black floppy disks


2 15-3/4-by-16-1/4 canvas fabric

Sewing machine

1/3 yard thick black material

8 acorn nuts and bolts



Lay out the disks in sets of 9. Make 3 rows of 3 disks. Line the seams up. Tape the disks together. This does not have to be perfect because the canvas covers up the tape.


Line the disks up on 1 piece of the canvas fabric. Leave 1/3 inch around the top and on the sides to connect the bag.


Sew the disks onto the fabric with a wide stitch. Use a strong needle like a denim needle and sew slowly.


Repeat the process in Step 3 to create the other side of the tote bag.


Attach the sides at the bottom of the tote. Backstitch over the areas where the tote is stressed, such as around the corners and across top.


Cut the thick black fabric in half. Fold each half with the back on the outside to create the handles for the tote. Fold the fabric at least 3 times. The handles must be 1 to 1-1/2inches wide.


Sew the handle folds together to make them sturdier. Turn the handle inside out.


Place the handle onto the bag at the desired spot and sew it on. The handle needs to be attached about 1-1/2 to 2 inches into the bag. Repeat for the other handle.


Drill 2 holes through the bag and handle. Place 2 acorn nuts and bolts onto the bag and handle. Repeat for each side of the handles. These nuts and bolts hold the fabric when carrying heavy objects.

Tips & Warnings

Use old backpack handles as handles for this bag.

How to Make a Floating Crystal Bracelet

How to Make a Floating Crystal Bracelet

Floating crystal jewelry is anything in which the crystal in the jewelry is not visually connected to the rest of the piece. If you follow the steps in this article, you can make a simple floating crystal bracelet using a few pieces of crystal and some jewelry wire.

Things You'll Need:

Crystal beads

Jewelry wire

Wire cutters

Needle nose pliers

Crimping pliers



Crimp beads


Start by putting a clasp on one end


Attach one part of your clasp to the end of your jewellery wire. Simply thread about 1 inch of the jewelry wire through the clasp, and use your needle nose pliers to twist the short end of the wire around the long end of the wire twice.


Cut off the small tail of wire using your wire cutters.


Place a crimp bead over the wound wire. Use your crimping pliers to secure the bead around the wound wire. This will make sure that your clasp is secure on the wire.


Take the ruler and measure 3 inches from the tip of the clasp you just secured. Use your crimping pliers to add another crimp bead on this point. It will help keep your floating beads in place.


Thread your beads in an alternating pattern on the wire. First thread a 3mm bead, then the 5mm bead, and then the last 3mm bead.


Add another crimp bead to the loose side of the beads. Make sure the crimp bead is flush up against the beads. This will keep your floating beads in place.


Measure 3.5 inches from the end of this last crimp bead. Cut the wire at this point.


Tie on the other end of your clasp. Thread about ВЅ an inch of wire through the clasp. Use your needle nose pliers to twist the short end around the clasp twice.


Shorten the wire tail by taking your wire cutters and cutting off the excess.


Use your crimping pliers to secure a crimp bead over the wound wire, as you did in Step 3. Then you are finished.

How to Make a Fairy Skirt

How to Make a Fairy Skirt

According to mythology, fairies are humanlike creatures with magical powers. Such myths can spark imagination in your little girl, who would love a fairy skirt to wear to exercise that imagination. Your little girl will surely love this fairy skirt, which is made with a petal design. This is perhaps the easiest skirt you could ever make!

Things You'll Need:

Elastic band 1/4-inch wide, length corresponding to girl's waist measurement

Tulle, about 5-inches wide

Sewing needle and thread


Ribbon as long as the girl's waist measurement


Cut an amount of elastic band that corresponds with your girl's waist measurement. Make sure the band is snug and not tight.


Sew the ends of the elastic band together. Slip this band up around your girl's waist just to make sure it fits.


Cut sections of tulle as long as you want the skirt to be. These sections should look like rectangles that are about 6 inches wide, and they should be hanging down with the narrow ends at the top and bottom.


Stitch the top of each piece of tulle to the elastic band. Keep sewing on the strips of tulle until you have as many as you want and you have the thickness you desire. Make the skirt as thick as you want, such as the one found at Bodie and Fou (see Resources below).


Sew the ribbon to the waistband to hide the places where the tulle is sewn on. With extra ribbon you can tie a bow in the back of the fairy skirt.

Tips & Warnings

You can sew a skirt with just one color of tulle, or experiment with two colors, such as two pastel colors. Simply alternate the colors as you sew on the strips.

Consider adding extra tulle or quilt batting under the skirt to add fullness.

Decorate the skirt with silk flowers and leaves to add to the fairy look.

If your child is small enough, you can use an elastic headband for the waistband instead of measuring and cutting elastic cord.

Do not cut the elastic band too tight, or it could put stress on your girl's gastric system when she wears it.

Avoid overdecorating the skirt or adding very heavy materials like plastic so that the skirt isn't weighted down. You want to keep it light and airy for when your little girl moves and dances about.

How to Make a Fad or Fashion

How to Make a Fad or Fashion

Have you ever seen bell-bottoms or a fad or fashion like that? Have you ever wanted to create a fad? Well if you do then this is the right page for you! I will teach you how to do that very easily or... hopefully easy.

Things You'll Need:

You will have to be popular or have a lot of friends.

You need to go to school, work or some place that has a lot of people and friends.

You cant start a fad without a piece of clothing that isn't popular! You can get new clothes online or in cool stores like Hot Topic.


Get an out of style piece of clothing. A suggestion could be bell-bottoms. By a couple pairs and wear them A LOT! Remember that you want to be popular or have a lot of friends.


Go to a social place. Lets say you are going to school. Act like you are so cool and awesome. Direct a lot of attention to your self and show your new bell-bottoms to your friends and say its a new style and they should buy a pair. If you are worried that it will be lying... don't worry! Its not because when you fallow these steps it will be a new fashion!


If your friends think your fad is dumb or stupid... just tell them you saw a famous person wearing them! Lets say you saw Robert Plant wearing bell -bottoms. All the kids will want to be like him. They will eventually catch on to other people and your fad could be world wide!! If you fallow these steps you will make a fad!

Tips & Warnings

If something like bell-bottoms is in style... put variations to it! You can bleach them or put holes in them.

STAND OUT! Its always good to stand out!