How to Understand an Apple Cleansing Fast

How to Understand an Apple Cleansing Fast

The apple is a very energizing food, so this fast should allow you to maintain a normal life (provided your schedule is not too strenuous). Once you've read this eHow, check out "How to Do an Apple Cleansing Fast" (see Related eHows).

Things You'll Need:

Organic Apples


Know that this is good for first-time fasters, because it is short, energizing and simple.


Realize that this purifying diet is designed to cleanse your alimentary canal, kidneys and liver, as well as your whole system. Yellow apples also contain high amounts of pectin, which is known to reduce cholesterol.


Understand that avoiding other, more difficult-to-digest foods for three days gives your body time to digest, clean out and rejuvenate.


Understand that this is a good, simple fast to repeat every few months to achieve the best results.


Do this fast in the springtime as an easy, general spring-cleaning fast, or any time of the year.

Tips & Warnings

Recommended apple brands include: Jonathon, Jenneting, Black Arkansas, Oregon Red, Sheepnose, Delicious and Arkansas Russet. Make sure the apples you buy are organically grown.

You may drink coffee if you desire, but do not add milk or cream.

Avoid strenuous exercise during your fast. Light yoga is excellent, though.

Be sure to repeat this fast once a month for the next couple of months to obtain maximum benefits.

Educate yourself about fasting before you begin. You may wish to integrate some special herbal teas into your fast.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast, especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are taking any medication.