How to Prevent a Yeast Infection
It is common for some women to experience at least one yeast infection during her lifetime. Some women will have reoccurring infections what certain reasons. What ever the case may be, yeast infections are not fun. It can be very painful and annoying. Following some simple guidelines can help prevent yeast infections not to occur thus reducing your risk for having one.
Things You'll Need:
Cotton panties
Unscented soap
Wear white cotton panties. Cotton breathes well unlike other materials such as Nylon and Lycra. These type of materials may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. If you must wear nylon panty hose, always wear cotton panties underneath them.
Use water-based lubricants when you're experiencing vaginal dryness. Petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal dryness can cause irritation to your skin and also more sensitive areas. Water-based lubricants are made to simulate the bodies natural moisture, therefore it dissolves better.
Practice good hygiene. After a bowel movement, always wipe from front to back. This will help prevent the yeast that is often in the intestinal tract from being passed to the vaginal area.
Eat yogurt. Studies have shown that some women who eat at least one cup of yogurt a day helps prevent yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. Yogurt will not cure a yeast infection, but it does help you not to get one.
Use unscented perfume bath products. Perfumed bath products or powders in the vaginal area can cause irritation with can lead to infection. Unscented perfume bath products that are for sensitive skin will work best.
Live douche free. Douches washes away the natural protective mucous in the vagina leaving it more susceptible to yeast and other other vaginal infections. Inside the body has its own cleaning mechanism, and it does not need to be helped.
Tips & Warnings
Consult a doctor if you think you have a yeast infection before self-treating.
Other types of infections can mimic themselves as yeast infections.
It is common for some women to experience at least one yeast infection during her lifetime. Some women will have reoccurring infections what certain reasons. What ever the case may be, yeast infections are not fun. It can be very painful and annoying. Following some simple guidelines can help prevent yeast infections not to occur thus reducing your risk for having one.
Things You'll Need:
Cotton panties
Unscented soap
Wear white cotton panties. Cotton breathes well unlike other materials such as Nylon and Lycra. These type of materials may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. If you must wear nylon panty hose, always wear cotton panties underneath them.
Use water-based lubricants when you're experiencing vaginal dryness. Petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal dryness can cause irritation to your skin and also more sensitive areas. Water-based lubricants are made to simulate the bodies natural moisture, therefore it dissolves better.
Practice good hygiene. After a bowel movement, always wipe from front to back. This will help prevent the yeast that is often in the intestinal tract from being passed to the vaginal area.
Eat yogurt. Studies have shown that some women who eat at least one cup of yogurt a day helps prevent yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. Yogurt will not cure a yeast infection, but it does help you not to get one.
Use unscented perfume bath products. Perfumed bath products or powders in the vaginal area can cause irritation with can lead to infection. Unscented perfume bath products that are for sensitive skin will work best.
Live douche free. Douches washes away the natural protective mucous in the vagina leaving it more susceptible to yeast and other other vaginal infections. Inside the body has its own cleaning mechanism, and it does not need to be helped.
Tips & Warnings
Consult a doctor if you think you have a yeast infection before self-treating.
Other types of infections can mimic themselves as yeast infections.