How to Prevent a Common Cold With Acupuncture
Acupuncture prevents the common cold by boosting the immune system. The treatment requires heat, needles and pressure to particular areas on the skin.
Study a couple of web sites like and to learn all you can about acupuncture. Find out how the treatment boosts your immune system. Even go to the library and find a book on the subject like "The Complete Book on Acupuncture" by Steven Thomas Chang.
Locate an acupuncturist you can trust and feel comfortable in having her treat you. Ask friends, family members or health food stores to recommend an acupuncturist. If the same name keeps coming up, then you have found your specialist.
Make an appointment to meet your acupuncturist and to receive your first treatment.
Make your appointment and discuss with the acupuncturist your goals of boosting your immune system and preventing the common cold. Discuss with him the other benefits of these treatments. Most acupuncturists study Chinese Medicine and prove to be very knowledgeable in general health care as well.
Receive your treatment and stay in communication with your acupuncturist. Find out how often you should be treated. Make another appointment if need be.
Tips & Warnings
You may need several sessions with the acupuncturist to achieve your goals of boosting your immune system and preventing the common cold.
It is always a good idea to drink lots of water before and after a treatment to help flush out any toxins that might stir up from the treatment.
Acupuncture prevents the common cold by boosting the immune system. The treatment requires heat, needles and pressure to particular areas on the skin.
Study a couple of web sites like and to learn all you can about acupuncture. Find out how the treatment boosts your immune system. Even go to the library and find a book on the subject like "The Complete Book on Acupuncture" by Steven Thomas Chang.
Locate an acupuncturist you can trust and feel comfortable in having her treat you. Ask friends, family members or health food stores to recommend an acupuncturist. If the same name keeps coming up, then you have found your specialist.
Make an appointment to meet your acupuncturist and to receive your first treatment.
Make your appointment and discuss with the acupuncturist your goals of boosting your immune system and preventing the common cold. Discuss with him the other benefits of these treatments. Most acupuncturists study Chinese Medicine and prove to be very knowledgeable in general health care as well.
Receive your treatment and stay in communication with your acupuncturist. Find out how often you should be treated. Make another appointment if need be.
Tips & Warnings
You may need several sessions with the acupuncturist to achieve your goals of boosting your immune system and preventing the common cold.
It is always a good idea to drink lots of water before and after a treatment to help flush out any toxins that might stir up from the treatment.