How to Prepare Hot Stones for a Hot Stone Massage

How to Prepare Hot Stones for a Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is a Swedish massage where heated stones derived from riverbeds are strategically placed on the body. The hot stones are used as massage tools and come in various sizes that are tumbled for smooth edges. Once the stones are placed in oil, they will become permanently black.


Clean and disinfectant your stones before using. The stones also must be oiled prior to use with your favorite massage oil or olive oil.


Heat the stones in a stone pot, regular crock pot or electric skillet, uncovered, in a small amount of hot water. The stones should warm for about 30 minutes before your client arrives.


Add essential oils to the water for scent and to aid relaxation. Check with your client to make sure she isn't allergic to oils. You may choose a specific scent for aromatherapy purposes also.


Check stones before client arrives to make sure they aren't too hot. If you can't handle them with your hands, they will be too hot for the client's skin. You may also place them with a towel between the client's skin and the stone.


Wash and sanitize the stones between clients. Soak stones in water that is between 130 and 145 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water is not hot enough, it will not kill bacteria. Just be sure the water isn't anymore than 125 degrees prior to placing them on a client.


Store your stones in clean velvet when not in use to avoid scratching or chipping the stones.

Tips & Warnings

Do not heat stones in an oven or microwave.