How to Understand a Potato Fast

How to Understand a Potato Fast

Realize that potatoes are not fattening. Gravy, sour cream, salsa, bacon bits and butter are fattening. Therefore, two to four days of only potatoes allows your body time to burn off some of those extra winter pounds.

Things You'll Need:

Herbal Teas



Understand that it is very natural to gain up to 10 pounds during the winter months in order to fortify the body against cold and reinforce your immune system against colds.


Know that the potato is a wonderful source of protein as well as Vitamin C, B1 and potassium. Potato juice is an excellent antacid, and is very soothing for one's digestive tract.


Leave the skins on your potatoes. The skin accounts for a very large percentage of the mineral value.


Realize that the soil in which your potatoes are grown greatly effects the nutritional value.


Understand that the bulk of the potato will keep you feeling full, and the protein and vitamins will keep your energy up. You should feel fine during your potato fast, except for battling the evil voices in your mind that crave your old regiment of food.

Tips & Warnings

Use potato peels to make a tea that is very soothing to your stomach and digestive tract.

Drink plenty of liquid during your fast.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.