How to prevent Bed Wetting using Herbs

How to prevent Bed Wetting using Herbs

Here is a few ways of helping prevent bed wetting using all natural herbs...

Things You'll Need:


Mullein Herb Water Strainer Red Bark Wine


Give a teaspoon of honey before bedtime it will help the retention of water.


Another way is to take 1 ounce of Mullein herb to one pint of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, then strain. Dosage drink 1 cup in the morning and at night time.


Another way is to take 2 ounces of (good,fresh) Red Bark, 1 quart of Wine. Steep the Bark in the wine for 24 hours, let the patient drink a tablespoon, if they are 2 or 3 years old and if older a little more at a time every night a little while before bedtime.

How to Prevent a Yeast Infection

How to Prevent a Yeast Infection

It is common for some women to experience at least one yeast infection during her lifetime. Some women will have reoccurring infections what certain reasons. What ever the case may be, yeast infections are not fun. It can be very painful and annoying. Following some simple guidelines can help prevent yeast infections not to occur thus reducing your risk for having one.

Things You'll Need:

Cotton panties

Unscented soap



Wear white cotton panties. Cotton breathes well unlike other materials such as Nylon and Lycra. These type of materials may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. If you must wear nylon panty hose, always wear cotton panties underneath them.


Use water-based lubricants when you're experiencing vaginal dryness. Petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal dryness can cause irritation to your skin and also more sensitive areas. Water-based lubricants are made to simulate the bodies natural moisture, therefore it dissolves better.


Practice good hygiene. After a bowel movement, always wipe from front to back. This will help prevent the yeast that is often in the intestinal tract from being passed to the vaginal area.


Eat yogurt. Studies have shown that some women who eat at least one cup of yogurt a day helps prevent yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. Yogurt will not cure a yeast infection, but it does help you not to get one.


Use unscented perfume bath products. Perfumed bath products or powders in the vaginal area can cause irritation with can lead to infection. Unscented perfume bath products that are for sensitive skin will work best.


Live douche free. Douches washes away the natural protective mucous in the vagina leaving it more susceptible to yeast and other other vaginal infections. Inside the body has its own cleaning mechanism, and it does not need to be helped.

Tips & Warnings

Consult a doctor if you think you have a yeast infection before self-treating.

Other types of infections can mimic themselves as yeast infections.

How to Prevent a Common Cold With Acupuncture

How to Prevent a Common Cold With Acupuncture

Acupuncture prevents the common cold by boosting the immune system. The treatment requires heat, needles and pressure to particular areas on the skin.


Study a couple of web sites like and to learn all you can about acupuncture. Find out how the treatment boosts your immune system. Even go to the library and find a book on the subject like "The Complete Book on Acupuncture" by Steven Thomas Chang.


Locate an acupuncturist you can trust and feel comfortable in having her treat you. Ask friends, family members or health food stores to recommend an acupuncturist. If the same name keeps coming up, then you have found your specialist.


Make an appointment to meet your acupuncturist and to receive your first treatment.


Make your appointment and discuss with the acupuncturist your goals of boosting your immune system and preventing the common cold. Discuss with him the other benefits of these treatments. Most acupuncturists study Chinese Medicine and prove to be very knowledgeable in general health care as well.


Receive your treatment and stay in communication with your acupuncturist. Find out how often you should be treated. Make another appointment if need be.

Tips & Warnings

You may need several sessions with the acupuncturist to achieve your goals of boosting your immune system and preventing the common cold.

It is always a good idea to drink lots of water before and after a treatment to help flush out any toxins that might stir up from the treatment.

How to Prepare Ice tea

How to Prepare Ice tea

When you are very tired and need some freshness on a hot summer day , go for the ice tea.The herbal qualities of the tea will not only bring freshness but also give a cooling effect. Making an Ice tea is 2 minute process, you can make it instantly and quench you thirst.

Things You'll Need:

1 Tbsp Tea leaves


2 Tbsp suger


Mint leaves

2 Tbsp Lemon Juice


Heat water on a low flame.


When the water comes to boil , add sugar.


Add tea leaves and stir for a minute


When water turns red and comes to boil ,filter the tea in a cup.


Keep it cool for half an hour.


Put some ice cubes in your drink and garnish it with mint leaves on the top.


Add lemon juice and mix it well.


Your cool refreshing Ice tea is ready to quench your thirst

Tips & Warnings

You can put some ginger also to enhance the taste and its herbal qualities.

Add sugar according to your taste.

Do not put the drink directly into the refrigerator after boiling on flames.

Let it be cool outside and then put some ice.

How to Prepare Hot Stones for a Hot Stone Massage

How to Prepare Hot Stones for a Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is a Swedish massage where heated stones derived from riverbeds are strategically placed on the body. The hot stones are used as massage tools and come in various sizes that are tumbled for smooth edges. Once the stones are placed in oil, they will become permanently black.


Clean and disinfectant your stones before using. The stones also must be oiled prior to use with your favorite massage oil or olive oil.


Heat the stones in a stone pot, regular crock pot or electric skillet, uncovered, in a small amount of hot water. The stones should warm for about 30 minutes before your client arrives.


Add essential oils to the water for scent and to aid relaxation. Check with your client to make sure she isn't allergic to oils. You may choose a specific scent for aromatherapy purposes also.


Check stones before client arrives to make sure they aren't too hot. If you can't handle them with your hands, they will be too hot for the client's skin. You may also place them with a towel between the client's skin and the stone.


Wash and sanitize the stones between clients. Soak stones in water that is between 130 and 145 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water is not hot enough, it will not kill bacteria. Just be sure the water isn't anymore than 125 degrees prior to placing them on a client.


Store your stones in clean velvet when not in use to avoid scratching or chipping the stones.

Tips & Warnings

Do not heat stones in an oven or microwave.

How to Prepare for Mesotherapy

How to Prepare for Mesotherapy

To avoid the risks associated with liposuction, many people today are instead choosing mesotherapy. This alternative medicine treatment involves injecting chemicals just under the skin to break down tissues in the mesoderm (or middle layer). The antioxidants in the injection stimulate collagen production, which rejuvenates the skin's appearance.


Prepare for the cost in time and dollars. It's typically recommended that a person undergo 10 to 15 mesotherapy sessions. Each session can cost up to $500. Make sure that the therapist overseeing the procedure is an accredited mesotherapist. You can find therapists online in the GetMeso directory (see Resources below).


Discuss the issues you want addressed. Mesotherapy has been used to eliminate cellulite and localized fat deposits, promote weight loss and provide anti-aging benefits.


Avoid taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications three days before the treatment. No post-operative recovery time is necessary, and you won't undergo anesthesia or need bandages.


Massage the affected area with Vitamin K after receiving treatment.

Tips & Warnings

Bruising is the biggest side effect of mesotherapy, so be prepared for this before undergoing the procedure.

How to Prepare for Lymphatic Massage

How to Prepare for Lymphatic Massage

The lymphatic system plays an important role in ridding the body of toxins and the circulatory, digestive and immune systems. But many people don't think about their lymphatic system until something goes wrong with it. However, you can stimulate your lymphatic system with simple massage.


Take a warm shower or a bath if possible before starting your massage so your body is loose and clean. Many experts recommend shaving the legs and the face, depending on your sex and if you shave them, so your massage therapist doesn't have to deal with uncomfortable stubble.


Avoid eating a large meal at least an hour before your massage, if possible. Eat a light meal or a small snack if you truly can't wait to eat until after your massage.


Be prepared to disrobe, if you're comfortable with this step. Massage therapists will protect your privacy and will use sheets and towels to keep you covered.


Discuss any issues you may be having with your massage therapist. If they're going to use oils or lotions, make sure you know what's in them and whether or not you're allergic. Don't be shy while getting your lymphatic massage if something hurts or you dislike something.


Make sure you're eating a healthy diet. Lymphatic massage works the best on healthy bodies with a good lymphatic system. Try to eliminate processed foods and simple sugars from your diet. In addition, make sure you drink plenty of water both before and after your massage to help flush toxins from your body.

How to Prepare for Learning Ayurveda Massage

How to Prepare for Learning Ayurveda Massage

Although Ayurveda is an ancient healing system, it has just recently experienced a revival. Many practitioners now choose to train in using Ayurvedic techniques to treat a variety of ailments. One technique used to promote healing and energize the person is Ayurvedic massage.


Study the basic elements of Ayurveda, including the three constitutions in the body. The three constitutions, or doshas, are: vata (meaning air), pitta (meaning fire), and kapha (meaning both water and earth).


Find out the pressure points in the body. Throughout the body, pressure points can be stimulated by Ayurvedic massage. If you know how to stimulate the pressure points, then you're able to give an Ayurvedic massage.


Learn about the health benefits. Another principle behind Ayurvedic massage is the ability to boost your immune system. During the massage, toxins are released into your body and then flushed out.


Focus on the areas that relieve certain pain and ailments. When you work with a client, you should discuss any pain or ailments they have. Once you know their complaints, you can use this information to provide an Ayurvedic massage that relieves the aggravated dosha.


Prepare massage oils. Once you determine the dosha that needs the most attention, decide on the correct oils to use. For instance, a person with a weak vata should receive a massage with sesame oil.

Tips & Warnings

You need to complete a course in Ayurvedic massage and get certified before you begin practicing.

How to Prepare for Japa Meditation

How to Prepare for Japa Meditation

Japa meditation is an effective way to sooth the mind and clears away distracting external stimuli. This spiritual discipline involves the repetition of a mantra or the name of God. Here is how to prepare for your Japa meditation session.


Choose a specific time, location and length for the meditation. You can start with 10 minutes and build gradually into longer sessions.


Know that repetition is the foundation of this meditation. Choose a word or a mantra that uplifts you.


Experiment with different ways to use Japa. Japa can be done in group settings, while performing other activities or while sitting in a cross-legged posture.


Consider that there are several mantras you can use. Here are a few; Om, Aum Namah Sivaya, Om Mani Padme Hum and Om Mamo Narayana.